在世贸组织进入后23年,中国的进口增长表明,在全球竞争中,中国的经济增长正在上升。 Twenty-three years post-WTO entry, China's import growth shows its economic rise amid global competition.
加入世贸组织二十三年后,中国继续面临全球进口竞争。 Twenty-three years after joining the WTO, China continues to face global import competition. 尽管最初有所关切,但进口关税的降低推动了中国的汽车市场和总进口,从占全球进口的3.8%增长到10.6%。 Despite initial concerns, lowering import tariffs boosted China's auto market and overall imports, growing from 3.8% to 10.6% of global imports. 中国对竞争的拥抱促进了工业增长和创新,使中国成为主要的经济参与者。 China's embrace of competition fueled industry growth and innovation, positioning it as a major economic player.