研究发现,超处理食品占美国成年人在家里摄取的卡路里50%以上。 Study finds ultraprocessed foods account for over 50% of calories eaten at home by U.S. adults.
约翰·霍普金斯研究人员的一项新研究表明,美国成年人在家里消费的卡路里一半以上来自超加工食品,其中包括人工口味和彩色等添加剂。 A new study by Johns Hopkins researchers reveals that over half of the calories consumed at home by US adults come from ultraprocessed foods, which include additives like artificial flavors and colorings. 这些食品与诸如心血管疾病和肥胖症等健康问题相关联,2003年占家庭消费热量的51%,到2018年上升到54%。 These foods, linked to health issues like cardiovascular disease and obesity, made up 51% of home-consumed calories in 2003 and rose to 54% by 2018. 该研究呼吁促进在家提供更健康的膳食选择。 The study calls for promoting healthier meal options at home.