参议院多数党领袖Mitch McConnell在午餐会摔倒后手腕扭伤和轻微割伤。 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell suffered a wrist sprain and minor cut after a fall at a luncheon.
82岁的参议院共和党领袖Mitch McConnell 扭伤了手腕 在周二GOP午餐时摔倒后 脸部被割伤 Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, 82, sprained his wrist and got a minor facial cut after falling during a GOP luncheon on Tuesday. McConnell在2023年有过包括脑震荡在内的医疗事件史,现已获准恢复他的日程安排。 McConnell, who has a history of medical incidents including a concussion in 2023, has been cleared to resume his schedule. 今年年底,他将辞去领导职务。 He is stepping down from his leadership role at the end of the year.