前参议院多数党领袖Mitch McConnell将在共和党准备多数时领导国防和规则委员会。 Former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will lead defense and rules committees as Republicans prepare for majority.
Mitch McConnell参议员不再担任参议院共和党领袖,将领导国防拨款小组委员会并主持参议院规则委员会,监督选举和投票权。 Senator Mitch McConnell, stepping down as Senate Republican leader, will lead the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee and chair the Senate Rules Committee, overseeing elections and voting rights. McConnell以鼓吹强大的美军闻名, 将专注于来自俄罗斯、伊朗和中国的国家安全威胁。 McConnell, known for advocating a strong US military, will focus on national security threats from Russia, Iran, and China. 他的新角色是共和党人 准备接管参议院的多数人控制权 His new roles come as Republicans prepare to take Senate majority control.