印度的核电能力正在迅速扩大,十年内几乎翻了一番,到2031年将达到三倍。 India's nuclear power capacity is rapidly expanding, nearly doubling in a decade and set to triple by 2031.
在过去十年中,印度的原子发电能力几乎翻了一番,从4 780兆瓦增加到8 180兆瓦,预计到2031年将增加两倍,达到22 480兆瓦。 India's atomic power capacity has nearly doubled over the past decade, from 4,780 MW to 8,180 MW, and is projected to triple by 2031, reaching 22,480 MW. 这一增长归因于强有力的技术专长和政治支持。 This growth is attributed to strong technical expertise and political support. 印度还在探索基反应堆,以减少对进口材料的依赖,并扩大核在农业和保健领域的应用。 India is also exploring thorium-based reactors to reduce dependency on imported materials and expanding nuclear applications in agriculture and healthcare.