加纳禁止销售蔬菜以遏制霍乱的蔓延,报告有789例病例和8人死亡。 Ghana bans vegetable sales to curb cholera spread, with 789 cases and eight deaths reported.
由于爆发严重的霍乱,加纳西部区域协调理事会禁止销售商出售蔬菜。 The Western Regional Coordinating Council in Ghana has banned vegetable sales by vendors due to a severe cholera outbreak. 有789起疑似病例和8起死亡报告,疫情集中在塞孔迪-塔科拉迪市和Effia Kwesimintsim市区。 With 789 suspected cases and eight deaths reported, the outbreak is concentrated in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan and Effia Kwesimintsim Municipal areas. 受污染的蔬菜是感染的主要来源。 Contaminated vegetables are the primary source of infections. 根据2012年《公共卫生法》实施的禁令旨在防止进一步蔓延,在卫生官员清除蔬菜销售之前,禁令将一直有效。 The ban, enforced under the Public Health Act, 2012, aims to prevent further spread and will remain in place until health officials clear the sale of vegetables.