尼日利亚阿达马瓦州报告爆发霍乱,12人死亡,30例阳性病例。 Adamawa State, Nigeria reports a cholera outbreak with 12 deaths and 30 positive cases.
尼日利亚阿达马瓦州政府证实爆发霍乱,造成12人死亡。 The Adamawa State Government in Nigeria has confirmed a cholera outbreak resulting in 12 deaths. 卫生专员Felix Tangwami报告说,50个疑似病例中有30个病例检测呈阳性。 Health Commissioner Felix Tangwami reported that 30 out of 50 suspected cases tested positive. 政府正在采取措施控制疫情爆发,敦促居民保持良好的卫生,并谨慎对待水源。 The government is implementing measures to control the outbreak and urges residents to practice good hygiene and be cautious about their water sources. 派遣保健工作人员对公众进行预防和遏制努力的教育。 Health workers are deployed to educate the public about prevention and containment efforts.