尼日利亚索科托州的霍乱爆发已造成25人死亡和1 160例病例,加纳也受到影响。 Cholera outbreak in Nigeria's Sokoto State has caused 25 deaths and 1,160 cases, with Ghana also affected.
尼日利亚索科托州正在应对霍乱爆发,已导致25人死亡和1 160例记录在案的病例。 Sokoto State, Nigeria, is grappling with a cholera outbreak that has led to 25 deaths and 1,160 recorded cases. 国家正在治疗15例活跃病例,并在18个地方政府地区免费分发药品。 The state is treating 15 active cases and has distributed free medications across 18 local government areas. 卫生部门面临着基础设施和资源方面的挑战。 The health sector faces challenges with infrastructure and resources. 在加纳中部地区,有7人死亡,有47例确诊,720例疑似霍乱病例。 In Ghana's Central Region, seven have died, and there are 47 confirmed and 720 suspected cases of cholera. 卫生官员敦促良好的个人卫生和环境卫生做法,以遏制这一疾病的蔓延。 Health officials urge good hygiene and sanitation practices to curb the disease's spread.