研究发现,小企业雇员的健康保险费用比大公司雇员低。 Small business employees pay more for lesser health coverage than those at larger firms, study finds.
英联邦基金的一份新报告显示,小企业雇员支付的医疗保险费用比大公司雇员的保险费用要低。 A new report by The Commonwealth Fund shows that employees of small businesses pay more for less health insurance coverage compared to those at larger companies. 小企业往往面临更高的行政费用和较低的讨价还价能力,它们为提供负担得起的保健福利而挣扎。 Small businesses, often facing higher administrative costs and less bargaining power, struggle to provide affordable health benefits. 报告提出了扩大医疗补助和提供更多补贴等解决办法,以帮助减轻小企业雇员的财政负担。 The report suggests solutions like expanding Medicaid and offering more subsidies to help ease the financial burden on small business employees.