医院费用正在上涨,迫使保险公司警告2024年的保险费要上涨。 Hospital costs are rising, forcing insurers to warn of higher premiums for 2024.
医院费用正在上升,主要保险公司警告说,下一年保险费会增加。 Hospital costs are on the rise, leading insurance companies to warn of increased premiums in the coming year. 预计这些较高的收费将影响到个人和雇主的保健计划,有可能增加美国家庭和企业的财政负担。 These higher fees are expected to affect both individual and employer-based health plans, potentially increasing the financial burden on American families and businesses. 承保人建议与医院谈判降低费率,这可能有助于减轻部分增加率。 Insurers suggest negotiating lower rates with hospitals may help mitigate some of the increases.