8月份,小企业工资增长放缓到2.89%,这表明劳动力市场的冷却。 Small business wage growth slows to 2.89% in August, indicating a cooling labor market.
Paychex小企业就业观察的报告指出,虽然小企业的劳动成本仍然很高,但工资增长放缓。 A Paychex Small Business Employment Watch report indicates that while labor costs for small businesses are still high, wage growth is slowing. 8月份,雇员人数在50人或以下的公司工人每小时收入增长下降到2.89%,是2021年1月以来最低的。 In August, hourly earnings growth for workers at firms with 50 employees or fewer fell to 2.89%, the lowest since January 2021. 这一趋势表明劳动力市场出现冷却,可能导致美联储考虑降低利率。 This trend suggests a cooling labor market, potentially leading the Federal Reserve to consider lowering interest rates. 然而,一些小企业主尚未看到工资增长减缓。 However, some small business owners have yet to see wage growth moderation.