澳大利亚政府拨出资金,帮助小企业在复杂的工作场所法律中穿行。 Australian government allocates funds to help small businesses navigate complex workplace laws.
澳大利亚复杂的工作场所法律对小企业构成重大挑战,小型企业占雇用企业的93%。 Australia's complex workplace laws are posing significant challenges for small businesses, which make up 93% of employing businesses. 尽管《公平工作法》中的条款旨在便利遵守,但小企业仍在挣扎。 Despite provisions in the Fair Work Act aimed at easing compliance, small firms still struggle. 政府正在考虑在公平工作委员会内设立一个小企业司,以简化条例并提供更好的支助。 The government is considering creating a Small Business Division within the Fair Work Commission to simplify regulations and provide better support. 2024年联邦预算拨款2 000万美元帮助较小的雇主掌握这些法律,并拨款1 000万美元用于修订带薪育儿假计划。 The 2024 federal budget allocated $20 million to help smaller employers navigate these laws and $10 million for the revised paid parental leave scheme.