苏格兰学校就学率下降,教师人数下降,教育斗争中。 Scottish school attendance drops, teacher numbers fall, amid educational struggles.
苏格兰的就学率有所下降,2023-24年,近40.6%的中学生和23.9%的小学生错过了大量的上学时间。 Scottish school attendance rates have declined, with nearly 40.6% of secondary pupils and 23.9% of primary pupils missing substantial school time in 2023-24. 教师人数处于三年最低水平,减少598人。 Teacher numbers are at a three-year low, decreasing by 598. 批评者指责新进步党政府造成教育下降,而苏格兰政府将问题归咎于流行病的影响,并正在努力改善。 Critics blame the SNP government for the educational decline, while the Scottish Government attributes the issues to the pandemic's impact and is working on improvements. 算术方面的成绩差距也略有增加。 The attainment gap in numeracy has also slightly increased.