英国有 15 万名儿童缺勤,学校不得不派警察到家长家中,以改善儿童的出勤情况。 150,000 severely absent children in England prompt schools to send police to parents' homes for attendance improvement.
英国的学校正在派警察前往缺课学生的家中,威胁学生家长如果出勤率得不到提高,将面临入狱的处罚。 Schools in England are sending police to homes of absent pupils, threatening parents with jail time if attendance doesn't improve. 批评者认为,这种做法忽视了旷工的潜在原因,并且缺乏对陷入困境的家庭的心理健康支持。 Critics argue the approach ignores potential reasons for absenteeism and lacks mental health support for struggling families. 2022-23 学年,公立学校有超过 15 万名儿童被归类为严重缺课,校长面临政府压力,需要解决出勤问题。 Over 150,000 children at state schools were classified as severely absent in the 2022-23 academic year, with headteachers under government pressure to address attendance issues.