维多利亚州领导人布拉德·巴廷 (Brad Battin) 改组内阁,在 2026 年大选前提拔盟友和八名女性。 Victorian leader Brad Battin reshuffles cabinet, promoting allies and eight women ahead of 2026 election.
维多利亚自由党领袖Brad Battin改组了他的影子内阁, 提升他的前任约翰·佩苏托(John Pesutto)的支持者与盟友, Victorian Liberal leader Brad Battin has reshuffled his shadow cabinet, promoting supporters and demoting allies of his predecessor, John Pesutto, who was deposed late last year. 显著的变化包括詹姆斯·纽伯里成为影子司库,杰西·威尔逊转行监督经济增长和教育。 Notable changes include James Newbury becoming the shadow treasurer and Jess Wilson shifting to oversee economic growth and education. Battin强调说,这些变化是基于功绩,而不是基于派别,现在有8名妇女在内阁中担任职务。 Battin emphasized that these changes were based on merit, not factions, and that eight women now hold positions in the cabinet. 该党正在为2026年的州级选举做准备。 The party is gearing up for the 2026 state election.