电视节目主持人马特和艾玛·威利斯 (Matt and Emma Willis) 在第 4 频道的纪录片中透露了学生们在禁止使用智能手机后健康状况的改善。 TV hosts Matt and Emma Willis reveal students' improved well-being after banning smartphones in a Channel 4 doc.
电视主持人Matt和Emma Willis参加第四频道纪录片, 要求学生放弃智能手机21天。 TV presenters Matt and Emma Willis participated in a Channel 4 documentary where they challenged students to give up their smartphones for 21 days. 这部纪录片名为“偷袭:禁止使用智能手机的学校”, 揭示了儿童可用的令人震惊的内容, The documentary, titled 'Swiped: The School That Banned Smartphones,' revealed shocking content available to children and highlighted improved sleep, alertness, and reduced anxiety among the students. 自此以后,Willises公司改变了他们家庭的技术习惯,如在楼下充电电话和限制屏幕时间,并倡导为儿童建立更安全的在线环境。 The Willises have since made changes to their own family's tech habits, such as charging phones downstairs and limiting screen time, and are advocating for safer online environments for children.