三名军官在Dunedin的呼吸测试检查站遭到袭击,导致逮捕。 Three officers were assaulted at a breath test checkpoint in Dunedin, leading to arrests.
星期日,三名警察在新西兰Dunedin的Brighton路一个呼吸测试检查站遭到殴打。 Three police officers were assaulted at a breath test checkpoint on Brighton Road in Dunedin, New Zealand, on Sunday. 一名司机逃避检查站,拒绝测试,随后发生争吵,导致军官头部中度受伤,肩膀受伤。 A driver evaded the checkpoint, refused tests, and an altercation ensued, resulting in the officers suffering moderate head injuries and an injured shoulder. 司机和乘客遭到电击和逮捕;24岁的乘客被指控犯有严重攻击罪,33岁的司机被指控犯有其他罪名,包括拒绝进行验血。 The driver and passenger were tasered and arrested; the 24-year-old passenger was charged with aggravated assault, and the 33-year-old driver with additional charges including refusing a blood test. 两人计划于第二天出庭。 Both are scheduled to appear in court the next day.