布里斯班发生汽车追逐后,警察被刀砍伤。 Police officers slashed by knife after car chase through Brisbane.
在澳大利亚布里斯班郊区伊普斯威奇的一次警方追捕和逮捕行动中,两名警察受伤,其中一名严重受伤。 Two police officers were injured, one seriously, during a police chase and arrest in Ipswich, a suburb of Brisbane, Australia. 事件发生时,警察在布里斯班几个郊区追踪一辆汽车,使用警用直升机和轮胎放气装置将车辆拦住。 The incident occurred as police officers tracked a car through several Brisbane suburbs, using a police helicopter and tire deflation devices to stop the vehicle. 据称,一名乘客走近汽车后,持刀冲出,砍伤了一名高级警员,造成重伤。 Upon approaching the car, a passenger allegedly emerged with a knife and slashed a senior constable, causing a serious injury. 司机和一名乘客被拘留,面临拒捕、危险驾驶、逃避警察以及多项盗窃和无证驾驶罪名的指控。 The driver and a passenger were taken into custody, facing charges for resisting arrest, dangerous driving, evading police, and multiple counts of theft and unlicensed driving.