在贝尔法斯特,一名男子在交通停留期间袭击了三名警官,之后在贝尔法斯特被逮捕。 Man arrested in Belfast after assaulting three police officers during a traffic stop.
一名35岁的男子在贝尔法斯特被捕,他于星期五清晨的交通中途袭击了三名警官。 A 35-year-old man was arrested in Belfast after assaulting three police officers during a traffic stop early Friday morning. 事件发生时,警察拦住一辆可疑驾驶的汽车,嫌疑人试图逃跑,殴打一名警察,并抓捕另外两人。 The incident occurred when officers stopped a suspiciously driven car and the suspect tried to flee, punching an officer and grabbing two others. 他面临袭击警察、拒捕和危险驾驶的指控。 He faces charges of assault on police, resisting arrest, and dangerous driving. 没有关于严重受伤的报告,但警察强调,攻击警官是不可接受的。 No serious injuries were reported, but the police emphasized that assaults on officers are unacceptable.