在Ballymena的两名警官在一次盗窃行动中遭到袭击,导致因攻击、盗窃和扰乱秩序行为而被捕。 Two officers in Ballymena were assaulted during a theft response, leading to arrests for assault, theft, and disorderly behavior.
北爱尔兰Ballymena的两名警察在答复盗窃报告时遭到殴打。 Two police officers in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, were assaulted while responding to a theft report. 一名32岁的妇女用手铐打一名警官,扯下她的头发,造成受伤,一名40岁的男子推着另一名警官并威胁他。 A 32-year-old woman struck one officer with handcuffs and pulled her hair, causing injuries, while a 40-year-old man pushed and threatened the other officer. 两名嫌疑人因攻击、盗窃和扰乱秩序行为被捕,还有另一名男子(也是40人)因盗窃被捕。 Both suspects were arrested for assault, theft, and disorderly behavior, along with a second man, also 40, for theft. 警察强调必须制止对警察的攻击。 The police stressed the importance of stopping assaults on officers.