科学家报告大堡礁有严重的珊瑚漂白现象,到2024年7月,80%的珊瑚受到影响,44%的珊瑚死亡。 Scientists report severe coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef, with 80% of corals affected and 44% dying by July 2024.
来自悉尼大学的科学家报告说,大堡礁有严重的珊瑚漂白现象,到2024年4月,80%的受监测珊瑚群受到影响,到7月,44%的珊瑚群死亡。 Scientists from the University of Sydney have reported severe coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef, affecting 80% of monitored coral colonies by April 2024, with 44% dying by July. 这种广泛的漂白现象是由海洋温度上升引起的,是自2016年以来珊瑚礁第五次大规模事件。 This widespread bleaching, caused by rising ocean temperatures, is the reef's fifth mass event since 2016. 研究人员警告,为保护珊瑚礁至关重要的生态系统,迫切需要开展养护努力和压力管理。 Researchers warn of the urgent need for conservation efforts and stress management to protect the reef's vital ecosystems.