罗马尼亚极右翼总统候选人在封闭的投票站抗议取消投票。 Romanian far-right presidential candidate protests cancellation of vote at closed polling station.
在罗马尼亚,一位极右翼总统候选人批评取消了在封闭投票站的投票。 In Romania, a far-right presidential candidate is criticizing the cancellation of a vote at a closed polling station. 与此同时,天气预报预测下午部分多云的天空转为降雨,最高气温为 57°F,西南偏南风为 10 至 15 英里/小时,随后夜间有阵雨,最低气温约为 50°F,总降雨量接近半英寸。 Meanwhile, weather forecasts predict partly cloudy skies turning to rain in the afternoon with a high of 57°F and south-southwest winds of 10 to 15 mph, followed by showers overnight with a low around 50°F and a total rainfall near a half-inch.