Wesley Clark将军以复杂的区域动态为由,怀疑拜登对叙利亚的乐观观点。 Gen. Wesley Clark doubts Biden's optimistic view on Syria, citing complex regional dynamics.
前北约组织领导人Wesley Clark将叙利亚局势描述为不确定, 尽管拜登总统称推翻叙利亚政府是“基本正义行为”。 Former NATO leader Gen. Wesley Clark described the situation in Syria as uncertain, despite President Biden calling the overthrow of the Syrian government a "fundamental act of justice." 克拉克指出,黎巴嫩在叙利亚边境加强了部队,以色列已在叙利亚南部建立了一个安全区。 Clark noted Lebanon has reinforced its forces on the Syrian border, and Israel has set up a security zone in southern Syria. 由HTS派领导的叙利亚新领导人声称尊重每个人,但克拉克认为拜登的乐观观点可能无法充分捕捉到局势的复杂性。 The new Syrian leadership, led by the HTS faction, claims to respect everyone, but Clark believes Biden’s optimistic view may not fully capture the complexity of the situation.