美国贾斯珀·杰弗斯少将率领一个小组前往贝鲁特,监督真主党与以色列之间的停火。 US Major General Jasper Jeffers leads a team to Beirut to oversee the Hezbollah-Israel ceasefire.
美国军方的贾斯珀·杰夫斯少将已抵达贝鲁特,与拜登总统特使阿莫斯·霍赫斯坦一道监督真主党-以色列最近达成的停火协定。 Major General Jasper Jeffers of the US military has arrived in Beirut to oversee the recent Hezbollah-Israel ceasefire agreement, alongside President Biden's envoy Amos Hochstein. 该小组由来自黎巴嫩、以色列、联合国和法国的代表组成,旨在监测和执行11月26日开始的停火。 The team, which includes representatives from Lebanon, Israel, the UN, and France, aims to monitor and enforce the ceasefire that began on November 26. 霍赫施泰因将担任文职共同主席,直至任命常设替代人为止。 Hochstein will serve as the civilian co-chair until a permanent replacement is appointed.