五角大楼确认继续在叙利亚东部部署军事存在,以打击伊斯兰国和支持盟友。 Pentagon confirms continued military presence in eastern Syria to fight ISIS and support allies.
五角大楼宣布,它将保留其在叙利亚东部的军事存在,以打击伊拉克和沙姆伊斯兰国并支持区域伙伴。 The Pentagon announced it will keep its military presence in eastern Syria to combat ISIS and support regional partners. 副助理国防部长丹尼尔·沙皮罗强调,特派团的重点是击败伊斯兰国,并呼吁保护平民和尊重国际准则。 Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Daniel B. Shapiro emphasized the mission is focused on defeating ISIS and called for protecting civilians and respecting international norms. 他没有证实关于阿萨德政权被推翻的说法,但批评了该政权的行动。 He did not confirm claims of the Assad regime's overthrow but criticized the regime's actions.