可口可乐工人罢工是为了获得更好的工资,扰乱生产,引起对短缺的恐惧。 Coca-Cola workers strike for better wages, disrupting production and raising shortage fears.
一家可口可乐工厂的工人已经罢工,停止生产。 Workers at a Coca-Cola factory have gone on strike, halting production. 这是公司雇员在寻求更好的工资和工作条件的一系列劳工行动中的最新行动。 This is the latest in a series of labor actions by the company's employees, who are seeking better wages and working conditions. 罢工正在对供应链造成干扰,并引起对可口可乐产品可能短缺的关切。 The strike is causing disruptions in the supply chain and raising concerns about potential shortages of Coca-Cola products.