Tripra禁止向孟加拉国公民提供服务, Tripura bans services to Bangladeshi citizens over reported attacks on minorities there.
Triprura的旅馆和餐馆老板已禁止向孟加拉公民提供服务, Tripura's hotel and restaurant owners have banned services to Bangladeshi citizens due to reported attacks on religious minorities there. 12月2日开始的禁令排除了那些有医疗紧急情况的人。 The ban, which started December 2, excludes those with medical emergencies. 协会指出,不尊重印度国旗和孟加拉国的少数民族迫害是这一举动的理由。 The association cites disrespect to India's national flag and minority persecution in Bangladesh as reasons for the move.