在印度特里普拉,佛教徒Chakmas抗议孟加拉国针对少数群体的暴力,敦促印度总理莫迪采取行动。 In Tripura, India, Buddhist Chakmas protest violence against minority groups in Bangladesh and urge Indian Prime Minister Modi to take action.
在印度特里普拉,数以千计的佛教徒查克马斯抗议孟加拉国持续发生的针对少数群体的暴力行为,特别是在吉大港山区。 In Tripura, India, thousands of Buddhist Chakmas protested against ongoing violence against minority groups in Bangladesh, particularly in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. 示威者,包括Tipra Motha党和Tripra Chakma学生协会的成员,要求立即停止袭击,并敦促印度总理Modi采取行动,降低与孟加拉国的外交关系,直至少数民族的安全得到保障。 Demonstrators, including members of the Tipra Motha Party and the Tripura Chakma Students Association, demanded an immediate end to the attacks and urged Indian Prime Minister Modi to take action and downgrade diplomatic relations with Bangladesh until the safety of minorities is ensured.