英国的茶叶销售量在两年内下降了4.3%,因为年轻的英国人选择了咖啡和替代饮料。 Tea sales in Britain drop 4.3% in two years as younger Brits opt for coffee and alternative drinks.
英国传统对茶叶的爱可能正在消退,两年内茶叶销售下降4.3%,每天只有48%的人喝茶。 Britain's traditional love for tea may be fading, with tea sales dropping 4.3% in two years and only 48% drinking it daily. 年轻人更喜欢冰茶、泡泡茶和能源饮料等替代品。 Younger people prefer alternatives like iced tea, bubble tea, and energy drinks. 像Twinings这样的茶品牌正在通过提供罐装火花茶和kombucha 来适应变化。 Tea brands like Twinings are adapting by offering canned sparkling teas and kombucha. 减少的原因还在于可饮咖啡越来越受欢迎,五年来咖啡的销售量翻了一番以上。 The decline is also driven by increased popularity of ready-to-drink coffee, which has more than doubled in sales over five years.