叙利亚的伊斯兰叛乱分子批评以色列违反1974年戈兰高地的停战协议。 Islamist rebels in Syria criticize Israel for violating a 1974 armistice in the Golan Heights.
最近控制大马士革的伊斯兰领导的叛军领导人HTS批评以色列违反1974年的停战规定,进入戈兰高地的缓冲区。 The leader of the Islamist-led rebels, HTS, who recently took control in Damascus, criticized Israel for entering the buffer zone in the Golan Heights, violating a 1974 armistice. 然而,他指出,叙利亚由于多年的内战而过于疲惫,无法参与新的冲突。 However, he noted Syria is too drained from years of civil war to engage in new conflicts. 自接管以来,以色列对叙利亚的军事资产进行了多次空袭。 Israel has conducted numerous air strikes on Syrian military assets since taking over.