一项调查显示,已精疲力尽的澳大利亚工人在工作上打盹,损害了生产力和经济。 A survey shows exhausted Australian workers are napping on the job, harming productivity and the economy.
由HIF进行的一项新调查显示,已经精疲力竭的澳大利亚工人正在损害生产力和经济。 A new survey by HIF reveals that exhausted Australian workers are harming productivity and the economy. 研究发现,15%的工人在工作时打盹,30%的轮班工人在工作时睡着了,90%的工人报告说,由于精疲力尽,生产力下降。 The study found that 15% of workers have napped at work, 30% of shift workers have fallen asleep on the job, and 90% reported reduced productivity due to exhaustion. 睡眠专家阿曼达·斯林格(Amanda Slinger)认为,睡眠差导致旷课率高、生产率低和健康问题。 Sleep expert Amanda Slinger argues that poor sleep leads to higher absenteeism, lower productivity, and health issues. 然而,人们开始采取步骤改善他们的睡眠,如遵守时间表和避免使用某些物质。 However, people are starting to take steps to improve their sleep, like keeping schedules and avoiding certain substances.