THC(Dronabinol)在75名病人的门诊研究中显示,在减少阿尔茨海默氏病患者的骚动方面有希望。 Synthetic THC (dronabinol) shows promise in reducing agitation in Alzheimer's patients in a 75-outpatient study.
据国际精神老年学会在布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的会议上发表的研究表明, 合成THC (dronabinol) 可能会减少阿尔茨海默病患者的焦虑. Research presented at the International Psychogeriatrics Association meeting in Buenos Aires indicates that synthetic THC (dronabinol) may reduce agitation in Alzheimer's patients. 在一项涉及75名门诊患者的研究中,与安慰剂组相比,每天两次服用5mg的德罗纳醇的人在动荡症状上显著改善. In a study involving 75 outpatients, those taking 5 mg of dronabinol twice daily showed significant improvement in agitation symptoms compared to a placebo group. 这种药物耐受性良好,为 700 万美国阿尔茨海默氏症患者带来了希望,尽管需要进一步的研究才能得出结论性结果。 The drug was well-tolerated, offering hope for the 7 million Americans with Alzheimer's, though further studies are needed for conclusive results.