魁北克酒铺工会达成交易 20%的加薪 和两年后的新工作。 Quebec liquor store union reaches deal with a 20% pay hike and new jobs after two years.
魁北克酒类商店雇员由5,000多名会员组成的工会代表,经过两年的谈判,已经达成了一项新的集体协议。 Quebec liquor store employees, represented by a union of over 5,000 members, have secured a new collective agreement after two years of negotiations. 该协议由71%的投票工会成员批准,其中包括六年内近20%的加薪、更可预测的时间表、60个新的葡萄酒顾问职位以及改善兼职工人的保险。 The agreement, approved by 71% of voting union members, includes a nearly 20% salary increase over six years, more predictable schedules, 60 new wine adviser positions, and improved insurance for part-time workers. 尽管在过去8个月中罢工了5天,但工会主席Lisa Courtemanche赞扬了这一结果,强调改善工人的工作保障和生活质量。 Despite five days of strikes in the past eight months, union president Lisa Courtemanche praised the outcome, emphasizing better job security and quality of life for workers.