数千人在新西兰抗议关于威胁毛利人权利的法案, Thousands protest in New Zealand over bill threatening Māori rights, culminating in a large Wellington rally.
数千人在新西兰惠灵顿抗议一项试图重新解释《威坦哲条约》的法案。 威坦哲条约是英国王室和毛利人酋长之间的一项基本协定。 Thousands protested in Wellington, New Zealand, against a bill that seeks to reinterpret the Treaty of Waitangi, a foundational agreement between the British crown and Māori chiefs. 9天的抗议游行以一次集会为高潮,吸引了35 000多名关注对毛利人权利的潜在影响的与会者。 The nine-day protest march, culminating in a rally, attracted over 35,000 participants concerned about potential impacts on Māori rights. 示威活动突显了该国土著人权利问题日益紧张的状况。 The demonstration highlights growing tension over Indigenous rights in the country.