新西兰绿党提议大力削减排放量,目标是到2030年将排放量减少35%。 New Zealand's Green Party proposes aggressive emissions cuts, aiming for 35% reduction by 2030.
新西兰绿党已公布其“He Ara Anamata计划”, 目的是到2030年将排放量比政府草案减少五倍。 The New Zealand Green Party has unveiled its "He Ara Anamata" plan, aiming to cut emissions five times more than the government's draft by 2030. 该计划包括清洁汽车折扣、增加可再生能源和可持续粮食生产等政策,目标是到2030年将净排放量比2020年减少35%,到2035年减少47%。 The plan includes policies like clean car discounts, increased renewable energy, and sustainable food production, aiming to reduce net emissions by 35% by 2030 and 47% by 2035, compared to 2020 levels. 它还侧重于正义、公平和可持续土地使用。 It also focuses on justice, equity, and sustainable land use.