新西兰提出了到2050年实现净零排放的雄心勃勃的排放量计划,但因关键领域缺乏而面临批评。 New Zealand launches ambitious emissions plan for net-zero by 2050, facing criticism for lacking in key areas.
新西兰已公布了第二个减排计划,其目标是到2050年实现净零排放,可能到2044年实现净零排放。 New Zealand has unveiled its second Emissions Reduction Plan, aiming for net-zero emissions by 2050, potentially by 2044. 该计划包括诸如电气化运输、农业排放定价和扩大可再生能源项目等措施。 The plan includes measures like electrifying transport, pricing agricultural emissions, and expanding renewable energy projects. 从2030年代开始,前两个排放预算已经走上了轨道,但在第三个排放预算方面却落后于前两个预算。 It is on track for the first two emissions budgets but falls short for the third, starting in the 2030s. 批评者认为,该计划缺乏雄心,未能解决重要的政策领域,如建设部门排放和污染者补贴等。 Critics argue the plan lacks ambition and fails to address significant policy areas, such as building sector emissions and subsidies for polluters.