由于最近的支持政策,外国银行对中国的经济增长越来越感到乐观。 Foreign banks are increasingly optimistic about China’s economic growth due to recent supportive policies.
由于中国当局自九月以来推行有效的支持政策,外国银行对中国经济越来越感到乐观。 Foreign banks are growing more optimistic about China's economy due to effective supportive policies introduced by Chinese authorities since September. 这些措施降低了融资成本,特别是在房地产方面,并正在推动消费、生产、房屋销售、出口和股票交易的增长。 These measures have lowered financing costs, especially in real estate, and are driving growth in consumption, production, home sales, exports, and stock trading. 几个机构提出了2024年中国增长预测,反映了更加积极的前景。 Several institutions have raised their 2024 growth forecasts for China, reflecting a more positive outlook.