Kirkby Lonsdale公寓的火灾疏散了居民 取消了圣诞市场 Fire at Kirkby Lonsdale apartments evacuates residents, cancels Christmas market.
今天早上5点45分 Cumbria的Kirkby Lonsdale主街红龙酒吧对面的公寓发生火灾。 A fire broke out at apartments opposite the Red Dragon pub on Main Street in Kirkby Lonsdale, Cumbria, at 5:45 AM today. 附近居民被疏散,在当地建筑中设立了接待中心。 Nearby residents were evacuated, with reception centers set up at local buildings. 主街仍然关闭,当天计划开设的圣诞节市场被取消。 Main Street remains closed, and a Christmas market planned for the day was cancelled. 紧急服务正在现场运作,但火灾原因和任何伤亡情况尚待确认。 Emergency services are working at the scene, but the cause of the fire and any casualties are yet to be confirmed. 建议居民保持窗户和门因烟雾而关闭。 Residents are advised to keep windows and doors closed due to smoke.