田纳西州将狩猎、捕鱼和划船费提高28%,以应对预算赤字。 Tennessee raises hunting, fishing, and boating fees by up to 28% to combat budget deficits.
田纳西渔业和野生生物委员会已批准提高狩猎、捕鱼和划船许可证的收费,以解决因通货膨胀造成的预算赤字问题。 The Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission has approved higher fees for hunting, fishing, and boating licenses to address a budget deficit caused by inflation. 从2025年7月1日起,船费将增加22%,大多数狩猎和捕鱼执照将增加28%,运动员和终身执照将增加12%。 As of July 1, 2025, boating fees will rise by 22%, most hunting and fishing licenses by 28%, and sportsman and lifetime licenses by 12%. 这些变化还简化了许可证结构,包括将多个野生生物管理区许可证合并为一个。 The changes also simplify the license structure, including combining multiple Wildlife Management Area permits into one.