田纳西州的立法者考虑了一系列影响教育、税收和小企业的法案。 Tennessee lawmakers consider a range of bills affecting education, taxes, and small businesses.
田纳西州的立法者将考虑各种法案,包括学校选择、取消杂货税、在学校提供免费月经产品以及地方交通税。 Tennessee lawmakers will consider various bills including school choice, removing grocery taxes, providing free menstrual products in schools, and a local transportation tax. 值得注意的法案还包括禁止全州财产税、增加学校资金彩票税、实施免费学校午餐、在学校展示历史文件。 Notable bills also include banning statewide property taxes, adding a lottery ticket tax for school funds, implementing free school lunches, and displaying historical documents in schools. 还敦促立法者考虑其对小企业的影响。 Lawmakers are also urged to consider the impact on small businesses.