田纳西州考虑28%的狩猎/捕鱼许可证和22%的船船注册费,经过公众评论和12月可能投票后,于2025年7月1日生效。 Tennessee considers 28% hunting/fishing license and 22% boating registration fee increase, effective July 1, 2025, after public comment and potential December vote.
田纳西渔业和野生生物委员会正在审议一项提案,将狩猎和捕鱼许可证费提高28%,将船船登记费提高22%,原因是自2015年最后一次上涨以来通货膨胀问题。 The Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission is considering a proposal to raise hunting and fishing license fees by 28% and boating registration fees by 22%, due to inflation since the last increase in 2015. 该计划还旨在简化许可证结构。 The plan also aims to simplify license structures. 公开评论的期限为10月至11月,定于12月进行投票。 A public comment period is set for October to November, with a vote scheduled for December. 如果获得批准,新的收费将于2025年7月1日生效。 If approved, new fees would take effect on July 1, 2025.