查塔努加的天然气价格降至2.49美元,低于全国平均水平,比近年来有所下降。 Gas prices in Chattanooga drop to $2.49, below national average and down from recent years.
查塔努加的汽油价格已降至每加仑2.49美元,比上星期下降了9.6美分,比一个月前下降了10.2美分,比去年下降了13.2美分。 Gasoline prices in Chattanooga have fallen to $2.49 per gallon, down 9.6 cents from last week, 10.2 cents from a month ago, and 13.2 cents from last year. 全国平均价格为每加仑2.98美元,比上星期上涨0.8美分。 Nationally, the average price is $2.98 per gallon, up 0.8 cents from last week. 田纳西州的平均价格是每加仑2.58美元,比上个星期低5.6美分,比一个月前低7.5美分,比去年低15.4美分。 Tennessee's average is $2.58 per gallon, down 5.6 cents from last week, 7.5 cents from a month ago, and 15.4 cents from last year. 柴油价格也有所下降,全国平均水平为每加仑3 472美元。 Diesel prices have also declined, with the national average at $3.472 per gallon. 从历史上看,田纳西州天然气价格从每加仑1.92美元到2.99美元不等。 Historically, Tennessee's gas prices have ranged from $1.92 to $2.99 per gallon.