查塔努加天然气价格降至每加仑2.61美元,低于全国平均3.13美元。 Gas prices in Chattanooga drop to $2.61 per gallon, below the national average of $3.13.
查塔努加的天然气价格在上周下降了10.1美分,平均每加仑261美元,而全国平均价格上升到3.13美元。 Gas prices in Chattanooga have fallen by 10.1 cents in the last week, averaging $2.61 per gallon, while the national average has risen to $3.13. 田纳西州的平均天然气价格下跌了4美分, 使得它成为第五个最便宜的州, 密西西比是最便宜的,每加仑2.67美元。 Tennessee's average gas price dropped by 4 cents, making it the fifth least expensive state, with Mississippi being the cheapest at $2.67 per gallon. 加利福尼亚的天然气价格最高,每加仑4.62美元。 California has the highest gas prices at $4.62 per gallon. 田纳西州柴油价格平均为每加仑3.39美元,在美国名列第13位,夏威夷柴油价格最高,每加仑5.30美元。 Diesel prices in Tennessee average $3.39 per gallon, ranking 13th in the U.S., while Hawaii's diesel is the most expensive at $5.30 per gallon.