英国2023年夏季热量导致2 295人丧生,主要影响老年人。 2,295 lives lost due to heat in UK summer 2023, primarily affecting older individuals.
根据英国卫生安全局的数据,在2023年6月至9月期间,英国因高温而丧失了2,295人,其中老年人,特别是65岁以上的人群受影响最多. 2,295 lives were lost due to heat in the UK between June and September 2023, with older individuals, especially those over 65, most affected, according to UK Health Security Agency data. 2023年夏天是记录上第8次最热的夏天,自2016年以来,与热有关的死亡率位居第三。 The summer of 2023 was the 8th warmest on record and saw the 3rd highest heat-related mortality since 2016. 电视明星希拉里·斯博士建议在上午11点至下午3点之间避免晒太阳,保持水分,寻求阴影或凉爽的环境,以防止极端炎热期间的热中风,因为气候变化可能会增加英国的热浪频率和强度. TV personality Dr. Hilary Jones advises avoiding sun exposure between 11 am and 3 pm, staying hydrated, and seeking shade or cool environments to prevent heatstroke during extreme heat, as climate change may increase heatwave frequency and intensity in the UK.