英国家庭每年可节约362英镑, 利用阳光在冬季取暖, UK households can save up to £362 yearly by using sunlight to warm homes in winter, experts say.
联合王国的家庭每年可节省362英镑,在冬季利用阳光到自然温暖的家。 UK households could save up to £362 annually by using sunlight to naturally warm homes during winter. 专家们建议白天开窗帘、百叶窗或百叶窗以利用温室效应。 Experts suggest keeping curtains, blinds, or shutters open during the day to utilize the greenhouse effect. 其他提示包括清洁散热器、使家具远离热源,以及释放受困空气的出血散热器。 Other tips include cleaning radiators, keeping furniture away from heat sources, and bleeding radiators to release trapped air. 专家揭穿了节能神话,例如使用电毯或将电器留在备用状态。 Energy-saving myths, such as using electric blankets or leaving appliances on standby, were debunked by experts.