新西兰警方调查在Waikato发生的暴力家庭入侵事件,在这些地方,蒙面男子伤害受害者并偷窃贵重物品。 Police in New Zealand investigate violent home invasions in Waikato, where masked men injured victims and stole valuables.
新西兰警方正在调查瓦伊卡托地区发生的一系列暴力家庭入侵事件,在那里,戴面罩的男子持枪打伤一名老年妇女和一名儿童,并偷盗包括圣诞礼物在内的贵重物品。 Police in New Zealand are investigating a series of violent home invasions in the Waikato region, where masked men with firearms injured an elderly woman and a child, and stole valuables including Christmas presents. 这些事件发生在10月和11月,警方正在寻求社区帮助,包括闭路电视录像和关于可疑活动的信息。 The incidents occurred in October and November, and police are seeking community help, including CCTV footage and information on suspicious activities. 一名34岁的男子也因在汉密尔顿发生的一起相关的严重入室盗窃而被捕。 A 34-year-old man was also arrested for a related aggravated burglary in Hamilton.