四名蒙面男子在格林岛Con Antrim盗窃一名女子的家,使她和她的孩子感到痛苦。 Four masked men burglarized a woman's home in Greenisland, Co Antrim, distressing her and her children.
11月2日,一名妇女及其三个子女在Green Island(Co Antrim)遭到四名蒙面男子的入室盗窃,他们声称代表一个准军事团体。 On November 2, a woman and her three children in Greenisland, Co Antrim, were subjected to a burglary by four masked men who claimed to represent a paramilitary group. 闯入者强迫家人进入起居室,搜查了家大约30分钟,偷走了珠宝和现金。 The intruders forced the family into the living room and searched the home for about 30 minutes, stealing jewelry and cash. 当家人安然无恙时,他们遭受了严重痛苦。 While the family was unharmed, they were left severely distressed. 警方正在调查并向公众寻求信息。 Police are investigating and seeking information from the public.