北达科他州的堕胎禁令仍未执行, North Dakota's abortion ban remains unenforced as the state appeals its constitutionality.
北达科他州最高法院裁定, 州内被推翻的堕胎禁令不会执行, North Dakota's highest court has decided that the state's overturned abortion ban will not be enforced while the state appeals a previous ruling that found it unconstitutional. 自9月以来,这项禁令已被废除,除了在医院维持生命或健康的原因外,北达科他州没有任何堕胎服务提供者。 The ban has been struck down since September, leaving North Dakota without any abortion providers except for life- or health-preserving reasons at hospitals. 代表堕胎诊所和质疑法律的医生的生殖权利中心反对执行禁令。 The Center for Reproductive Rights, representing the abortion clinic and physicians who challenged the law, opposed enforcing the ban. 北达科他州总检察长将继续在州最高法院就此案是否符合宪法问题进行争论。 North Dakota's Attorney General will continue to argue the case's constitutionality in the state Supreme Court.