Darragh暴风雨期间,一棵树掉在面包车上,造成英国大面积混乱,一名男子死亡。 A man died when a tree fell on his van during Storm Darragh, which caused widespread UK disruption.
一个40多岁的男子死于兰卡西雷,当时在达拉格风暴期间,一棵树掉在他的面包车上,风速高达93毫米。 A man in his 40s died in Lancashire when a tree fell on his van during Storm Darragh, which brought winds of up to 93mph. 这场风暴造成了广泛的混乱,包括影响到威尔士4万户人家的停电、取消火车服务以及旅行困难。 The storm has caused widespread disruption, including power cuts affecting 40,000 homes in Wales, canceled train services, and travel difficulties. Met Office为威尔士部分地区发出「生命危险」警告, The Met Office issued a "danger to life" warning for parts of Wales, and advised residents to stay indoors.