在Darragh暴风雨期间,贝尔法斯特乘坐的公交车撞入建筑物;司机住院,旅行建议反对。 Belfast-bound bus crashes into building during Storm Darragh; driver hospitalized, travel advised against.
在12月7日凌晨3点左右的Darragh暴风雨中,一辆贝尔法斯特机场快车撞到北爱尔兰坦普尔帕特里克附近的一栋大楼。 A Belfast-bound Airport Express bus crashed into a building near Templepatrick, Northern Ireland, during Storm Darragh around 3 am on December 7. 司机被送往医院,随后出院。 The driver was taken to the hospital and later discharged. Darragh风暴引发了广泛的问题,包括树木倒塌和局部水灾,导致警察建议不要进行非必要旅行。 Storm Darragh caused widespread issues, including falling trees and localized flooding, leading police to advise against non-essential travel. M1和其他几条道路受到落下的树木和残骸的影响。 The M1 and several other roads were affected by fallen trees and debris.